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Weekly Media Roundup

October 13, 2016 at 5:15 PM

UN scorecard on Child Rights for NZ presents challenge to address child poverty

New Zealand's approach to children's rights has come under fresh scrutiny from the United Nations in a new report.

Released on Saturday, the UN's report on the Rights of the Child directly challenged New Zealand to create a comprehensive plan to reduce the number of children living in poverty.

The report, prepared by the UN's Children's committee, called on the Government to introduce a systematic approach to addressing child poverty, particularly for Maori and Pasifika children.


'Communities need to step up' - Vulnerable Children Ministry head

The Ministry for Vulnerable Children will need to talk with children and involve the community if it is to succeed, says its new head.

The new ministry launches in April, when Child Youth and Family (CYF) ceases to exist.

New chief executive Grainne Moss said the ministry would need to put children's views at the forefront of its work.


Judith Collins criticised for comments about 'parental responsibility' and poverty

Judith Collins' controversial comments about child poverty have had some surprise backing, as the Police Minister says she was taken out of context.

Children's advocates are upset by Collins' comments apparently blaming many child poverty problems on parents.

But the minister now says her comments about a "poverty of parental responsibility" were taken out of context.


Many NZ children don't know their rights - report

More than a third of New Zealand children don't know about their rights, according to a report to be launched at Parliament.

The report - Our Voices, Our Rights - comes after Unicef NZ and Save the Children NZ consulted 1200 children nationwide.

Unicef NZ child rights advocate Dr Prudence Stone says some of the findings are alarming.


Young leaders come together to raise awareness on violence in communities

It is time to speak out to end all forms of violence.  

This is the message from GirlGuiding New Zealand who are speaking out for safe spaces in our communities.

GirlGuiding New Zealand's young leaders and rangers are organising a Stop the Violence event as part of their advocacy campaign on October 14.


The challenge has been laid down: cut child poverty by 10% in a year. We’re up for it

Child poverty is unacceptable in modern New Zealand, and the Children’s Commissioner is right to urge politicians to agree to a definition and set a target, argues Andrew Little.


Why I have trouble believing Andrew Little on child poverty

In an opinion piece for the Spinoff yesterday, the Labour leader said his party will work to ‘eradicate’ child poverty. Janet McAllister explains why she’s raising a sceptical eyebrow.


OECD report: NZ one of the most expensive places to have preschoolers

New Zealand is one of the most expensive places to raise preschoolers, according to an OECD report.

Kiwi families have to pay some of the highest amounts for childcare, in the western world, the report finds.

New Zealand rated the second most expensive country for childcare in most of the western world, second only to the United Kingdom.


Maggie Watson's mum not guilty by reason of insanity

An Onehunga woman has been found not guilty of murdering her 4-year-old daughter on the grounds of insanity.

A hearing was held today at the High Court at Auckland for Evelyn Kathleen Sen, 44, who had been charged with murdering Maggie Renee Watson at their home in Onehunga on August 6 last year.


Domestic Violence – some advice for the media

In short, the reporting by Newshub’s ‘Story’ program this week is a perfect example of pretty much everything you should avoid. The story interviewed an abuser and partner live on air. I’m not going to link to it because that would draw attention to it, but be assured, it was terrible.


'We need a lot more Aunty Ranjnas in New Zealand'

'Aunty Ranjna' Patel is a champion for high-needs communities in South Auckland and the first ethnic woman to become a finalist for New Zealand Entrepreneur of the Year.


Shaun R Harper: Many men talk like Donald Trump in private. And only other men can stop them.

At several moments throughout the campaign, I have felt that something about Trump was disturbingly familiar, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it. After seeing the video of this presidential candidate and married man talking about kissing women, grabbing their vaginas and using his celebrity to get them to do whatever he wants, I now fully recognise the guy I have known since I was a teenage boy. The Trump on that video is a sexist, misogynistic, womanising cheater who degrades and sometimes sexually assaults women. I know this man and so many like him. I wish I didn't, yet I do, and I have for a long time.


Govt must find 'political will' to tackle homelessness - cross-party inquiry

Tackling bureaucracy and finding the "political will" is crucial to ending homelessness in New Zealand, a cross-party inquiry into the issue has concluded.

Labour, the Greens and the Maori Party have released a report with 20 recommendations to tackle homelessness, after holding a series of hearings across New Zealand and receiving hundreds of submissions.

The report says the level of homelessness in New Zealand is "larger than any other time in recent memory and is continuing to grow", with families forced to live on the streets, in cars, and in garages.


Housing New Zealand warned it will run out of cash in months

Housing New Zealand has been warned it will run out of money by February – and has no money for developments and maintenance past 2017.

That is the warning from both Treasury and Housing New Zealand to its minister, Bill English, 1 NEWS can reveal.


Category: News Media