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Child Protection Inequalities for Pasifika Children in Aotearoa: Diverse Realities

May 03, 2024 at 3:12 PM

From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse -


Thursday 23 May 2024




Online or in person at Seminar room 033/036, Ground Floor, Adams Building, Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo | University of Otago, 18 Frederick Street, Dunedin


Department of Preventive and Social Medicine and Social Justice and Child Protection Research Network Aotearoa



Structural inequities for Pasifika families in Aotearoa New Zealand affect inequalities in the child protection system, but the size, scope and complex factors influencing these have had little research attention. This project describes inequalities for Pasifika children in this context, and explores the dynamic factors affecting contact disparities.

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Zoom Meeting ID: 950 1272 3873.

Zoom Password: 708827.

This seminar, presented by Department of Preventive and Social Medicine and Social Justice and Child Protection Research Network Aotearoa, will:

outline the size of inequality between Pasifika children and non-Māori, non-Pasifika children

examine disparities for Pasifika children at different points of system contact intensity

outline the relationship between system contact and socio-economic deprivation

describe the within-group differences, by comparing sole Pasifika and ‘Pasifika plus’ groups, that is, the more than fifty percent of Pasifika children who also have a non-Pasifika ethnicity.

These complexities show some surprising results, in particular the low rate of care entry for sole Pasifika children living in areas of high socio-economic deprivation. Some possible reasons for these patterns are suggested, drawing on theories informing child welfare inequalities research.


Event poster

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