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Weekly Media Roundup

May 28, 2015 at 8:28 AM

Relationships Aotearoa to close it's doors:

Relationships Aotearoa, the country's largest provider of counselling services, is likely to close its doors in 60 locations throughout the country by the end of the week, the agency says.

The organisation has said its funding from government agency contracts had fallen by $4.8 million since 2012, a drop of about 37 percent from $13.1m to a forecast $8.2m. It posted a $271,000 deficit for the year ended 30 June 2014.


See also:

Govt leaves Maori and domestic violence victims stranded... Scoop

Progress in identifying alternative provides welcome... Voxy

Altenative services for RA clients... MSD Media release


Local research aims to influence policy changes:

A Hamilton woman is calling for change within the Indian migrant community, and hopes to see better understanding about arranged marriages and domestic violence.



Kelvin Davis walking the talk highlighting sexual and domestic violence:

Labour MP Kelvin Davis hasn't done much training ahead of walking a half-marathon for 17 days, but says the pain will be worth it if it puts a stop to sexual violence.

"Everywhere you turn you'll hear of somebody or another disclosure, it's everywhere and it's not just in Te Tai Tokerau."



Judges recieve professional development on family violence:

Over 150 District Court Judges have received professional development on family violence at a judicial conference held in Wellington in May 2015.

The three day conference focused on family violence in recognition of the increasing complexity of family violence cases brought before Judges in District and Family Courts. The conference aimed to challenge Judges' ideas around family violence and increase awareness of how to respond to victims and perpetrators.



Accelerated settlements for historic claims:

Social Development Minister Anne Tolley has announced that people with unresolved claims of historic abuse in state care are to be given the option of a fast-track settlement, or to continue with the normal process.


Domestic abuse victims denied legal aid for protection orders:

Hundreds of domestic abuse victims could be missing out on getting protection orders because they're unable to get legal aid, Labour says.

In the last two years some 351 people who applied for legal aid for the purposes of getting a protection order, had their applications turned down, says Labour's Justice spokesperson Jacinda Ardern.


See also:

Calls for funding to protect domestic violence victims... TV3 News


Migrant and refugee youth speak out against family violence:

Auckland: Local young poets and speakers of migrant and refugee backgrounds are coming together for RE-GENERATE: the launch of Shakti Youth’s “Find Your Voice” campaign. This campaign aims to highlight the experiences of migrant and refugee children and young people witnessing violence at home. RE-GENERATE refers to the healing and growth that needs to happen with new generations to break the cycle of family violence and gender-based violence.



Budget 2015: Spending focus wrong claim victims:

After five years unchanged, the police budget was decreased by 1 per cent, from $1.624 billion to $1.609 billion.



Police get guidelines on investigating forced marriages:

Police have been put on alert to look out for the "emerging problem" of forced and underage marriages among immigrant communities.

New guidelines added to the police manual warn officers to be aware of coercive relationships, as well as dowry-related abuse, bride-burning and acid attacks.



Chicago bears release McDonald after arrest in California:

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) " The Chicago Bears released defensive end Ray McDonald following a domestic violence arrest in Northern California that police say stemmed from an assault on a woman who was holding a baby.

McDonald was taken into custody at 7 a.m. Monday on suspicion of domestic violence and child endangerment, Santa Clara police Lt. Kurt Clarke said.



Campaign to eliminate domestic violence in Cook Islands:

The Cook Islands National Council of Women has launched a campaign in an effort to eliminate violence against women in the country.

The campaign will begin by meeting with community and island leaders and their organisations to give publicity to a recent Cook Islands Family Health and Safety report.



Solomons to end violence against women and girls:

Solomon Islands has committed to a five-year programme to eliminate violence against women and girls in the country.




Category: News Media