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Weekly Media Roundup

May 01, 2014 at 10:00 AM

There has been a lot going on in the news this week!


Increased government support for victims of sexual violence:

The government is clearly getting the message that more needs to be done for victims of sexual violence. There have been two significant announcements this week.

ACC to cover rape therapy costs in full, giving victims more time for recovery

Government announces $10 million boost for funding for sexual violence support services


Government announces full ban on Legal highs until further testing carried out:

The government has responded to community pressure to ban the sales of legal highs. While this move has been widely welcomed by those impacted by the use of legal highs, there are questions raised about what support will be available for those who need to detox.    

All remaining Legal highs to be withdrawn from sale

Mixed reaction to legal high ban

Families elated at legal highs ban


Launch of Women's Refuge Flagship Store, Yellow Belle:

This week also saw the launch of the Women's Refuge flagship Yellow Belle store in Takapuna. This initiative will enable Refuge to tap into sustainable sources of revenue.

Opshop with a difference wants designer dresses for worthy cause


Men raising their voices for change:

Click here to see a great campaign from the UN, which sees high profile men calling for gender equality and empowerment for women.


Truancy Firm labels vulnerable children as "bullied', "dummies", "brats" and "CYF kids":

This article provides a disturbing picture of how private companies funded by the taxpayer view some of our most vulnerable and disengaged children. It raises serious questions over the role of companies who are driven by profit motives in "solving" some of society's most complext social problems.

Crude classification of truants upsets, while some contractors appear unable to meet targets.


Auckland man on trial for ex's murder:

Karl Eddy, 39, appeared in the High Court, charged with the murder of Alicia McCallion, 23.

NZs most prolific stalker released from prison:

Nzs worst stalker to go free - monitored by GPS

Category: News Media