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Weekly Media Round Up

May 06, 2016 at 9:47 AM

Judge Becroft appointed new Children's Commissioner:

The incoming Children's Commissioner says law changes on their own won't improve rates of child abuse, neglect and poverty.

Principal Youth Court judge Andrew Becroft will take over from Russel Wills, whose term ends in July.


See also:

New Children's Commissioner ready to blow the whistle... Newshub

Outspoken child advocate overcame doubters... NZ Herald

Moko's death raises debate over child abuse prevention:

The case of two people entrusted with the care of three-year-old Moko Rangitoheriri, but who instead beat him to death, has reignited the debate over how to prevent child abuse.

The Government hopes a new approach to justice will break the cycle of intergenerational violence.

Tania Shailer and David William Haerewa will next month be sentenced for the manslaughter of Moko.

Domestic violence pilot extended:

A pilot scheme to give judges more information when granting bail in domestic violence cases, is being extended to courts in Wellington, Wairarapa and Northland.



Harnessing the power of information to reduce crime & victimisation:

Hon Amy Adams, Minister of Justice

Social Investment in the Criminal Justice System

Harnessing the power of information to reduce crime & victimisation

Good morning and thank you Andrew Bridgman for the introduction and for hosting us at the Justice Centre this morning.

It’s fair to say that New Zealand has one of the most trusted justice systems in the world and is internationally very highly regarded. But that’s not something we should ever take for granted.


How an abusive relationship gave fitness trainer Jessica Taylor power:

Mighty-fit mum Jessica Taylor may have the confidence to lead fitness classes with a smile and the grit to conquer marathons, but she says much of her strength and confidence is a direct result of a troubled relationship 15 years ago.

At just 19-years-old, newly pregnant Taylor knew she would have to leave her abusive partner in order to save her own life, and the life of their unborn baby.



Jail 'no big deal' for Taranaki man sentenced on serious domestic violence charges:

The lawyer for a Taranaki man who waved a knife at his partner and smashed her head into a wall says prison was more like a reunion with friends for his client than punishment.

During Jai Patrick Bellamy's sentencing in the New Plymouth District Court on Wednesday counsel Julian Hannam asked for a community based sentence to be imposed, instead of prison time, for the two domestic violence charges.



Domestic abuse is thriving in China's culture of silence:

Two months after Li Hongxia was murdered, her body is not in the ground.

She lies swathed in a pink duvet in a refrigerated coffin, in the house she shared with her husband. He's accused of killing her. His family, who lived with them, fled town.

Li's parents do not believe there can be justice for victims of domestic violence. They've seen the system fail those without connections, they know a conviction can require clout. Refusing to bury their daughter, who was strangled to death, is a bid to make local cadres take notice, to make someone - anyone - care.



Young people not exempt from domestic violence:

When people talk about domestic violence they often think of physical abuse, but emotional abuse is another aspect that can be just as dangerous, but much less obvious. Kirsty Lawrence looks at how this form of violence can lead to more serious abuse and how young people are vulnerable.  

Read more... 


Joint statement from NZ and Australia police on family violence:

New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush has joined Police Commissioners from across Australia in launching a joint Leadership Statement and Policing Principles for Protecting Women and Children from Family Violence in April 2016.


Category: News Media