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Weekly Media Round up

April 14, 2016 at 4:27 PM

Family violence pilot scheme announced by Government:

Reports of family violence in Christchurch will be responded to by a team of government agency officials seven days a week, under a new pilot scheme announced by the Government.

The new Integrated Safety Response pilot, to be trialled in Christchurch from July 1, will involve a team made up of police, Child Youth and Family, the Department of Corrections, the Ministry of Health, specialist family violence NGOs and Maori service providers.

Justice Minister Amy Adams said the seven-day model was an acknowledgement that family violence "is not something that happens Monday to Friday".



Health workers missing at-risk babies:

The majority of babies who are not getting visits from doctors and midwives in their first year are Māori, Pacific Island or poor, figures show.

Under New Zealand's health system, all babies should get 10 free visits by their midwife and a Well Child/Tamariki Ora worker before their first birthday.



Baby and mum injured after domestic violence incident in Hamilton:

A 10-month-old is in hospital with head injuries after a domestic violence incident at his Hamilton home which also left his mother nursing injuries.

Detective Senior Sergeant Daryl Smith said the boy was taken to Waikato Hospital's emergency department by his grandmother last night after an incident at the house on Tuesday night.



Sanaya Sahib murder: Too many missed real story - a child was dead:

When Sanaya Sahib's tiny body was dumped in a shallow creek just metres from an Australian shopping centre, it marked the end of a short and incredibly sad life.

The tale of the 14-month-old child's abduction by a barefoot, drunken African man had gripped Melbourne, and turned many into DIY detectives who were quick to theorise about what had really happened.


David Rutherford: Privacy at risk in child safety push:

Our government departments are setting up new data-sharing systems that New Zealanders ought to discuss, writes David Rutherford.

One child has been killed every five weeks on average in New Zealand for decades. That is an appalling statistic, and beneath it is a pyramid of child abuse.



Chris Trotter: Child, Youth and Family changes may be far reaching for Maori:

OPINION: Far-reaching changes loom if the ideas of the expert panel set up to "modernise" Child, Youth and Family (CYF) are implemented.

Their just released report: "Investing in New Zealand's Children and their Families" envisages both a new approach to child welfare, and a new set of structures to give their re-ordered priorities practical effect. At the same time, however, the expert panel was also asked to address the disproportionate number of Maori children requiring the intervention of child welfare professionals.



Playgroup opens at clubrooms site:

A Northland rugby league clubrooms normally reserved for after match celebrations and commiserations will make room for a new team of young players.

New Zealand Rugby League officially opened the playgroup at Takahiwai Rugby Clubrooms this week, the first of its type in Northland.



PSN welcomes radical changes in care and protection services:


Friday, 8 April 2016

PSN welcomes radical changes in care and protection services

Social services provider Presbyterian Support Northern (PSN) has welcomed the Government’s plan to transform current structures and provision of services for the most vulnerable children and young people.

The Government has released a new report outlining a range of state care reforms, including an overhaul of Child Youth and Family (CYF). The report clearly conveys we are failing the most vulnerable children and youth.




Category: News Media