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Trainee Counsellors seeking Placements

July 10, 2013 at 10:27 AM

“NZ Institute of Learning and Development offers a 2 year full-time counsellor and family therapy training programme. As part of their counsellor training, the students, are required to do a certain number of hours counselling clients as a trainee counsellor to gain practical experience along with their theoretical knowledge.

NZILD are looking to place their students in counselling placements within community agencies at the beginning of their second year (early 2014) at which time they will have 1 year’s training skills and knowledge plus 6 months of counselling in-house (students enrolled in schools other than the counselling school under the Ntec umbrella).

NZILD currently have 10 students, 7 from the Philippines, 1 from Sri Lanka, 1 from South Africa (NZ resident) and 1 from Viet Nam (NZ resident).  With their multi-cultural background they will be well suited to counsel clients from a similar background. 

If you have placement opportunities available please contact Rita Humphries, Programme Co-Ordinator, NZILD on email Rita Humphries Phone 09 5555 425 Monday – Wednesday

Category: Community Notices