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The Treaty of Waitangi with Dr Susan Healy

August 21, 2014 at 10:30 AM

Has it been some time since you last brushed up on your understanding of the Treaty?

If that's you, why not join Dr Susan Healy, an experienced treaty educator and co-author of the independent report Ngapuhi Speaks.  This report has some of the most recently available information on the Declaration of Independence and the the Treaty of Waitangi.

Dr Healy will take you through a one day workshop that will cover:

  • The historical background to the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • The Treaty text
  • The Treaty's history since 1840
  • The impacts of legislation and government action
  • Implications of the Treaty relationship for community groups and organisations

Date:      Monday 22nd September 2014
Time:      9.00am - 4.00pm
Venue:    Waitakere WEA, 9 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson
Fee:        $60.00

To enrol:  contact Cynthia or Gaylene at Waitakere WEA on (09) 837 1471 or email:

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