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The Juvenists

June 13, 2013 at 11:17 AM

Today’s blog gives you the answers to last week’s quiz – ‘Am I a Juvenist?’ To speed things up for you, it’s only one click away.


The Juvenists Blog

13 June 2013

 Scoring the Juvenist quiz:

 For Qs 1 – 6:               Never (3 points), Sometimes (2) and Always (1).

For Qs 7-10:                Always (3 points), Sometimes (2) and Never (1).

 A score of 30 means you’re an Ace! A score of 20 means you’re getting there and a score of 10 means you may need to do some serious rethinking if you aim to be a juvenist.

Some of these questions will be discussed in the following weeks.

So what is a juvenist?

The terms ‘juvenist’ and ‘juvenism’ have been coined as a corollary to feminism.

A juvenist is defined as someone who advocates for the rights and needs of marginalised children, at times in the face of conflicting adult interests, including their own.

For more on juvenism see

To discuss or argue about juvenism, email

Recommended reading:

Boshier, Peter; Wademan, Jennifer (2013) Domestic violence and the impact on children’s lives. Paper presented to the 6th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights.

Downey, Laurel (2007) Calmer Classrooms: A guide to working with traumatised children Child Safety Commissioner: Victoria

It’s Not OK campaign (2009) It’s time we started telling these stories MSD: Wellington

Simcock, Anthea (2010) Hidden in front of us Maruki Press: Hamilton