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Te Puna Aonui E-update - December 2022

December 16, 2022 at 3:21 PM

From Te Puna Aonui -

The December update from Te Puna Aonui includes:

  • Introduction from Hon Marama Davidson, Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence
  • Save the date! 2nd Annual Te Aorerekura Hui 14/15 June 2023
  • Te Pūkotahitanga update and progress
  • Implementing Action 5 – ‘Engage and value communities in collective monitoring and learning’
  • Responding to family violence over the holiday period — Are You OK
  • FVSV-related helplines and support services
  • Ethnic communities comes together over Te Aorerekura
  • Research highlights experience & support needs of Pacific SV workforce
  • Oranga Tamariki survey identifies training opportunities
  • ACC perspective – one year into Te Aorerekura
  • About Te Puna Aonui

Click here to read the update

Category: Newsletters