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Sizing Up GBV Services: Identifying & Dismantling Weight-Based Discrimination

November 24, 2023 at 2:51 PM

From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse -


Wednesday 13 December 2023


7-8:30am NZDT (12 December, 1-2:30pm EST)




Learning Network and Knowledge Hub



This Learning Network and Knowledge Hub Webinar explores how weight-based discrimination creates barriers to gender-based violence (GBV) services for larger bodied (i.e., fat) people across Canada.

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Highlighting the ways in which weight-based discrimination manifests in GBV services, especially in relationship to gender, sexuality, race, and disability, this Webinar offers professionals in the GBV sector strategies for challenging weight-based discrimination and creating size inclusive services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key concepts relating to weight-based discrimination (what we will frame as fat oppression) and how weight-based discrimination constrains the lives of larger bodied people
  • Identify key barriers to gender-based violence services that larger bodied people often experience as a result of weight-based discrimination as it intersects with gender, sexuality, race, and disability
  • Advocate for and create more accessible gender-based violence services by considering larger bodied people's lived experiences of marginalization on the basis of body size, gender, sexuality, race, and disability.


  • Kelsey Ioannoni, Ph.D., (she/her) is a fat solo mom and a sociologist who explores the way that body size, specifically fatness, impacts the ability of fat Canadian women to access health care services. Her research interests are centred around the fat body, weight-based politics, and weight-based discrimination.
  • Ramanpreet Annie Bahra (she/her) is a PhD student in the Sociology department at York University, Canada. Her research concentrates on social theory, fat studies and disability studies as she examines intersectional experiences of the body, embodiment and affect within the South Asian diaspora.

For queries, please contact the organiser:

This webinar will have American Sign Language interpretation.


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