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Salvation Army 2016 State of the Nation Report

February 18, 2016 at 5:01 PM

Salvation Army 2016 State of the Nation Report

The latest State of the Nation Report from the Salvation Army's Social Policy Unit has been released. 'Moving Targets' outlines what progress New Zealand is making in critical areas including housing, how well we meet the needs of children and crime and punishment. 

Click here to read the report online


Related media:

Government agencies 'inventing numbers' to meet targets, says report Stuff

State of our nation: The good and bad NZ Herald

Child abuse data doesn't tell full story - Sallies Radio NZ

Bill English rebuffs Salvation Army concerns about 'inventing' targets Stuff

Opposition lashes Govt over Sallies report NewsHub

Māori still worst off in Salvation Army report Maori Television

Salvation Army Report - Green Party Response Scoop



Category: Research