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Productivity Commission update on Inquiry

April 02, 2015 at 8:41 AM

The Productivity Commission’s More effective social services inquiry aims to shed light on how commissioning and contracting influence the quality and effectiveness of social services, and to suggest actions government agencies and others could take to promote better outcomes in the future.

The Commission is grateful for all the submissions made on its issues paper, released in October. We received 134 submissions just on the issues paper, a new record for any of our inquiries. We are also grateful to the many people who have taken time to meet with the inquiry team.

Due to the high interest in the inquiry and the large number of submissions, we will release the draft report at the end of April which is later than originally planned. This will give us enough time to consider all of the material we have received and further develop the ideas in the report.

We will then be consulting further on the draft report, including 8 weeks to provide submissions. The overall timeframe for the inquiry is being extended to the end of August to allow additional time to analyse the submissions.


You can read the collaborative submission that WAVES and Community Waitakere developed here. 

Category: Submissions