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NGO Open Day at Waitakere Hospital

October 01, 2015 at 1:50 PM

Waitakere Health Link extends the opportunity to NGO Health Network members to participate in an

 ‘NGO Open Day’ at Waitakere Hospital

W I T H  A  ‘ P A T I E N T  S A F E T Y ’   F O C U S

F R O M   11.30 A M   T O   2 P M
T U E S D A Y   3 R D   N O V E M B E R  2 0 1 5
B E H I N D   M A I N   R E C E P T I O N ,   W A I T A K E R E   H O S P I T A L

NGO’s providing support and services to communities in the West will have
the opportunity to showcase their organisation and network with:
- Staff of Waitakere Hospital
- Patients and Visitors
- Other health related NGOs
BYO Small Table (very limited space), chair, water bottle and snacks

RSVP ESSENTIAL by 25 October to Waitakere Health Link
Telephone: 839 0512 or Email: