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MSD update on sexual violence services - consultations open

March 30, 2017 at 4:24 PM

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

The Ministry of Social Development's (MSD) recent update on sexual violence services announces that consultations are open on the development of Sexual Violence Crisis Support Services and the National Sexual Violence Helpline.

You can give feedback to MSD using the online tool Loomio. You need to register to view the consultation documents and comment. Each service area has a separate webpage on Loomio:

The consultations are open until 28 April 2017. You can also email feedback to Current providers with MSD contracts will be invited to regional hui.

The update also provides information about funding continuation after 30 June 2017, developing and supporting services for male survivors of sexual abuse and the temporary exemption from collecting individual client level data (ICLD) for specialist sexual violence services. MSD had previously announced the exemption from data collection.

See the full March MSD update for more information. See previous MSD updates on sexual violence service development for background information.

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Category: Policy and Legislation