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Making Step Families Work

May 14, 2015 at 8:19 AM

Family Works Northern is offering a six week programme 'Making Step Families Work: Six steps to strengthening your step family'. 

This programme allows the adults of new step families to explore and share their journey with others.  A fun, interactive, challenging process that allows couples to strengthen their relationship in a safe manner.


Date:           Thursday evenings: 14th May –18th June 2015

Time:          6.30 pm - 8.30 pm

Venue:        3 Montel Avenue, Henderson (opposite Henderson Medical Centre)

For more information see the attached flyer 

So get in and benefit from a fresh understanding of stepfamily life.

To register please phone:  (09) 835 1288 or text ‘Yes’ to 0275631076


Category: Community Notices