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Learning Platforms for Social Workers

July 03, 2013 at 12:05 PM

Amitha Krishnamurthi former DRF colleague at CYF Westgate is requesting social workers, if you can, to make your information available to her by Friday 26/07/2013 in the below format to assist her develop a learning platform for her teaching resources at MIR Bachelor of Social Work.

Slide 1 -a small bio about you and hopefully a picture as well to make you a real person and not just a figment of my imagination! If you are not keen on providing a picture, that’s fine too

Slide 2 is a concise list of your core responsibilities in your current role

Slide 3 is the one social work skill you utilise the most in your work with a small example of use of this skill. Email Amita or Phone 09 9688000 Ext 7180

Category: Community Notices