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Kete Kupu

October 23, 2015 at 9:14 AM

Kete Kupu


The October issue of the NZCCSS newsletter Kete Kupu  is now online.
Kete Kupu includes information and commentary on a wide range of social service issues and provides updates and commentary on social service policy and practice. To download the newsletter, please follow the website link to download a PDF of Kete Kupu from our website: click here to download Kete Kupu.

Some of the highlights of this October 2015 issue include:

  • Being smart about what we do
  • More than just signing an M.O.U.
  • NZCCSS Strategic Imperatives 2015-18
  • The Productivity Commission and Quadrant D
  • New resources to support action on social justice from the churches
  • Why we need to change the way we talk about poverty and inequality
  • Best place in the World to Die?
  • Inspiring stories, discoveries, challenges and frustrations

If you have comments or feedback on our new look newsletters or any suggestions for additional items or sources of information to include in Kete Kupu, please let us know. All feedback is gratefully received - please send any comments to

Ngā mihi nui,

From all of us in the team at NZCCSS

Supporting social services that put
social justice and social compassion into action