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FREE Child Matters Seminars

February 18, 2016 at 4:48 PM

Working together for Vulnerable Kids - Free Child Matters Seminars - Auckland - 11 Mar - 18 Apr 2016

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*


Where & When: 

Otara, 11 March 2016
Orewa, 18 March 2016
Homai, 21 March 2016
Mangere, 24 March 2016
waitakere, 1 April 2016
Westgate, 14 Apr 2016

All seminars - 9am-3pm . Venues to be advised on enrolment.
Check enrolment page for availability and for seminars in other towns and cities.

Provided by Child Matters

Free. Enrolment essential. Enrol now

One-day seminars, held in various locations around Auckland, during March and April 2016

These seminars are an opportunity to create a child protection network in your community. Exploring the current landscape of child protection, what defines a vulnerable child and the role each person has in keeping children safe this seminar provides a great foundation in how to work together for vulnerable kids. These seminars are designed for professionals working with children, including teachers, health workers, and social service providers. In the seminar you learn about:

  • Understand your role in supporting vulnerable children, and keeping them safe
  • Understand what to look out for
  • Gain a working knowledge of how to respond to vulnerable children
  • Understand the Vulnerable Children Act & Children’s Action Plan
  • Understand the process when Child, Youth and Family receive a report of concern
  • Build a network with others in your community

For more information on this seminar or discuss all other training options, please go to the Child Matters website.



Category: Training