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Elder abuse & Financial Abuse Prevention in LGBTQI+ Communities - Resource Spotlight

June 09, 2023 at 2:34 PM

From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse -


Friday 7 July 2023


5-6:30am, NZST (6 July, 1-2:30pm, EDT)


Online (Canada based)


Learning Network, Western University (Ontario, Canada)



Shared knowledge about elder abuse faced by LGBTQI+ older adults is limited, while there is growing attention to this issue among community, researchers, and elder abuse prevention advocates

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Listing of training and other events does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse. Information is as provided by the organiser. For further information or queries about training or events, please contact the organiser using the links or contact details provided.

This presentation will highlight key findings from existing research and initiatives related to elder abuse and focus on strategies to prevent and mitigate elder abuse (particularly financial exploitation) and to join the effort to prevent elder abuse of LGBTQI+ older adults.

Learning objectives

By the end of this presentation, participants will increase their:

  • Knowledge about elder abuse and LGBTQI+ communities, including barriers and facilitators to identification and help-seeking.
  • Understanding of risk factors and capacity to identify and prevent financial elder abuse in LGBTQI+ communities.
  • Capacity to create prevention and support programs and practices that are inclusive and affirming of LGBTQI+ older adults.


  • Dr. Celeste Pang is a sociocultural and medical anthropologist, and incoming Assistant Professor in Women’s and Gender Studies at Mount Royal University in Calgary.
  • Raeann Rideout currently serves as the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario. The scope of her current work focuses on engaging and building collaborative partnerships locally, provincially or nationally with agencies and organizations to build capacity to support older adults who are at-risk or experiencing abuse.

This Resource Spotlight will have American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and English closed-captioning.

Any queries, please email:


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Category: Events