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Changes in Glenn Inquiry management team

June 04, 2013 at 6:11 PM

New Zealand's first independent inquiry into child abuse and domestic violence the Glenn Inquiry lost its Executive director Ruth Herbert and operations director Jessica Trask who left the inquiry on Friday 31 June. Auckland lawyer Catriona MacLennan, one of 25 Inquiry think tank has also quit. It is understood the Inquiry restructure has brought in 'a governance board led by former Supreme Court judge Bill Wilson, QC, and a new inquiry "chief executive", Kirsten Rei, a former private secretary to Government ministers Steven Joyce and Tariana Turia who is now interim head of one of the first multi-agency "children's teams" in Rotorua.'

More on this news item here and a personal message from Sir Owen Glenn here.

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Glenn loses three more inquiry members

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Category: News Media