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Call for Conference Papers & Proposals: 2024 Aotearoa National Family Violence Conference

February 02, 2024 at 1:51 PM

From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse -


Friday 2 February 2024


29-30 May 2024


Tākina Conference Centre, Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington


Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga | National Network of Family Violence Services

Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga/National Network of Family Violence Services invites expressions of interest from individuals and organisations to present at its 2024 Aotearoa/New Zealand National Family Violence Conference Te Ahi Kikoha.

Register for this event

Listing of training and other events does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse. Information is as provided by the organiser. For further information or queries about training or events, please contact the organiser using the links or contact details provided.

***Expressions of interest close at 5:00pm on Friday 2 February 2024***

Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga/National Network of Family Violence Services (NZ) Inc invites expressions of interest from individuals and organisations to present at its 2024 Aotearoa/New Zealand National Family Violence Conference Te Ahi Kikoha.

The conference organisers invite expressions of interest on all aspects of work relating to family violence and/or sexual violence for the concurrent streams session of the conference. Please note they are not currently seeking keynote presentations.

Successful proposals will be allocated 20-30 minutes per presentation. Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga invite a range of contributions to the conference from researchers, practitioners and policy analysts and encourage a diversity of methods and approaches.

Submission guidlines: 

  1. Proposed expressions of interest must be recorded on the Expression of Interest Form.
  2. The completed Expression of Interest Form should be emailed to the Conference Organiser, Howard Dawson at
  3. Expressions of interest close at 5:00pm on Friday 2 February 2024. Submissions will receive an acknowledgement via email.
  4. The outcomes of the Expression of Interest process will be communicated on or about Friday 23 February 2024.
  5. While presentations from teams/groups of individuals are welcome, Te Kupenga provide only one free registration and one reduced registration per accepted paper/presentation.

Possible provocative topics, suggested by the organisers, include:

  • Why is the Aotearoa family violence response system unable to focus on and address the sources of violence? How do we ensure a system which holds the needs and wishes of victim/survivors at the heart of all mahi/work while committing to addressing and changing the behaviours of those who perpetrate violence?
  • Do discussions about masculinities aid or hinder violence prevention and intervention? What are “toxic masculinities” and how do they inform increasingly extremist misogyny and the emergence of the “manosphere”? Is the “F word” (feminism) still relevant in understanding and addressing family and sexual violence?
  • Evaluation and data beyond the anecdote. How do we prove the efficacy of interventions with those who perpetrate violence? Are “stopping violence programmes” still relevant or past their use-by date?
  • Motivations to violence. Does the traditional “entitlement motivation” limit options for working with men who perpetrate violence? Does it blinker our understandings of both risk and safety? How does it explain or cloud our understanding of women’s violence when it occurs? Is the focus on “gangs” missing the point?
  • Kaupapa Māori research and models - insights for preventing and responding to family and sexual violence. Avoiding Tauiwi colonisation of Māori knowledge and practices. How to support kaimahi Māori who shoulder the cultural load?
  • What’s so special about specialist workforces? Does the notion of specialist speak to Te Ao Māori spaces? Is “specialisation” simply turf protection? How do tools like the Specialist Organisational Standards and the Entry to Expert Framework support or undermine the current and future family and sexual violence workforces?
  • Is Te Aorerekura/The National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence & Sexual Violence achievable? Is “siloed thinking” starting to be broken down or have more silos been created? Does the focus on “regionality” risk losing both local connections and nationally consistent prevention and response initiatives? What needs to change now to make the moemoeā/vision achievable?
  • Building capacity around intersectionality – how best to support people who face multiple barriers – rainbow, older people, disabled people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds? How do we centre the voice and experiences of tamariki and rangatahi/children and youth? Culturally competent or culturally safe – is there a difference? How does an understanding of intersectionality inform or help us to support hard to reach populations and communities?
  • Risk and safety. What’s the risk in risk assessment tools and how do we manage risk while simultaneously increasing safety? Risk “assessment” as a form of gatekeeping or threshholding? Whose job is it to manage risk? What is risk – risk to, risk from or both? How does who is analysing risk inform what risk is being analysed?
  • Practice initiatives. Creative approaches, novel programmes, innovative campaigns. Working with clients with co-existing conditions (drug and alcohol, mental health). Addressing the relentless call for the “bright, shiny and new initiative”. Initiatives informed by whānau voice – what does it look like, how does one do it? Restorative justice – does it have a place in family violence cases? “Working with what’s in the room” rather than prescriptive programme content. Avoiding collusion with those who perpetrate violence. New approaches to crisis and long-term support of victim/survivors. Working at the intersections of family and sexual violence.

For more information, contact the conference organiser Howard Dawson:


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