2011 SubmissionsVictims of Crime Reform Bill (December 2011) WAVES Trust supported the general intention of the Bill to ensure greater clarity and certainty around criminal court processes for victims, to ensure that victims are adequately informed of developments in relation to offenders that might affect them, and to enable victims to feel their voices have been heard by the court. We raised three concerns about the wording of the Bill and requested minor amendments to ensure that all victims are treated fairly. We also raised concern that opportunities to extend the Community Victims' Service had not been taken up by this Bill. Auckland Council: Draft Auckland Plan, 2011 WAVES submitted that the wellbeing of people and the promotion of strong local communities where residents’ needs are heard and met must be at the heart of the Auckland Plan. The Auckland Plan’s directives on children and the ‘Southern Initiative’ (pp.50–53) are laudable and a most welcome direction for the new Council. These strategies provide good examples of bringing people into focus within the Plan. However, we also felt that these strategies are too limited in their scope and considerable work is needed to integrate a people-focused and social infrastructure approach across the whole Plan. Crimes Amendment Bill No.2 (June 2011) WAVES Trust argued that the Bill’s wording should be altered to recognise that factors within the family dynamic might diminish adults’ capacity to protect children and others from abusers. In addition, the purpose of any action taken against adults under the proposed new law should be to promote justice for the victims of abuse and the best interests of other dependents in the family should be considered. We attempted to strike a balance in our submission between society’s need to punish adults who are complicit in the harming of children and vulnerable people and the need to recognise that these victims’ wellbeing and that of others in the family may be dependant upon an ongoing relationship with those family members. Bail Review (May 2011) WAVES Trust and the WAVES network generally supports the intention of the review to broaden the range of charges under which a reverse burden of proof (“RBP”) applies. However, we can foresee some adverse consequences of such actions. In our submission we draw attention to the possible ramifications for defendants, their victims and families who are the subject of charges relating to family violence drawing attention to the dangers of electronically monitored bail and the need to observe NZ's obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Auckland Council Social and Community Development Forum (2011) WAVES Trust requested greater clarity and more transparent processes around presentations to the Social and Community Devleopment Forums and any associated funding opportunties. Auckland Family Courts' Centralisation Consultation (May 2011) In conjunction with Waitakere Community Law Service and Community Waitakere, WAVES submitted on the proposal to centralise staff and services to the Family Court within the Auckland District Court building. We opposed the centralisation on the basis that the model used at the Waitakere Family Court was exemplary and no evidence had been produced to show that the new model would match or exceed current outcomes. Charities Commission and Charities Act (July 2011) WAVES Trust requested Government not proceed with absorbing the Charities Commission into the Department of Internal Affairs and instead bring forward the planned review of the Charities Act. |