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Violence Free Communities AGM

October 23, 2015 at 8:57 AM

Kia ora koutou

Violence free Communities would like to invite you to our Celebration of Elaine Dyer and the work Violence Free Communities (formally Waitakere).

We have had a challenging year but have worked hard to review, refocus and revive our organisation in a way that we hope has created a vibrant new structure that will enable us to continue to support communities everywhere.

Please come along to our event and hear all about our year just gone, our plans for 2016 and the celebration of Elaine Dyer who has worked tirelessly with us for over 14 years.

 Attached is the invite – feel free to spread the work and invite others and RSVP by 4th November.  Also attached is the AGM agenda.


Noho ora mai

Kind regards,

Tamara Clarke

Administration Co-ordinator

Violence Free Waitakere

(09) 837-4849

Category: Community Notices