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Take the Febfast challenge to support RPE

January 22, 2015 at 9:56 AM

FebFast is an annual education, awareness campaign run by the New Zealand Drug Foundation that invites people to forgo alcohol consumption  during February and, at the same time, raise funds to support not-for-profit services that work with young people with alcohol and drug problems. 

This year, funds raised will be donated to Rape Prevention Education (RPE) to deliver more sexual violence prevention programmes teaching young people about consent and respectful relationships through the BodySafe programme. 

There are two ways to be a part of FebFast: participants can sign-up to be a part of the alcohol-free month by registering at Each FebFaster gets their own donation page which they can use as a platform for raising funds.

Those who aren’t willing to take a month off alcohol can still help out by donating money Donations can be made through a FebFaster’s individual donation page or to FebFast generally.


See the attached flyer for more information or visit the RPE website

Category: Community Notices