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New research examines structural disadvantage in rangatahi Māori mental wellbeing

December 01, 2023 at 2:01 PM

From Growing Up in New Zealand -

Research published today by Growing Up in New Zealand has identified patterns of structural disadvantage experienced by rangatahi Māori, and looks at mental wellbeing and cultural connectedness.

According to Growing Up in New Zealand’s Research Director, Associate Professor Sarah-Jane Paine (Tūhoe), there is ample evidence to suggest that rangatahi Māori experience higher levels of structural disadvantage than other young people.

Structural disadvantage refers to the disadvantage experienced by some individuals or groups as a result of the way society is organised and how resources are distributed. In this research structural disadvantage was measured by looking at information provided by the young person’s mother, including the level of household material hardship, neighbourhood socioeconomic deprivation; maternal employment status and residential mobility (number of house moves).

Click here for more information including a link to the research paper

Category: Research