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MSD and ACC consulting on primary prevention

August 11, 2016 at 11:01 AM

MSD and ACC consulting on primary prevention of family and sexual violence

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*


The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) are inviting people with an interest in the primary prevention of family and sexual violence to meetings regarding the primary prevention work that is being undertaken through the Family Violence and Sexual Violence Ministerial Group.

The Ministerial Group work programme has a number of key projects that address issues across the family violence and sexual violence prevention and response continuum, and primary prevention is one of the workstreams.  

The meetings will provide an update on:

  • The role of Ministry for Social Development as the lead agency for family violence primary prevention and ACC as the coordinating agency for sexual violence primary prevention to provide co-ordinated advice across government agencies
  • How the use of a primary prevention framework and evidence base will inform this work
  • How we might invest in primary prevention in the future.

The meetings will provide an opportunity for communities, service providers and academics to share what primary prevention activity and related research is happening in their area.

The meetings will be held in Wellington/Hutt Valley (Thursday 18 August 2016), Christchurch (Friday 19 August 2016), and Auckland (details to be confirmed). Follow the links for time, place and further details.

Please RSVP to if you would like to attend.