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Latest MSD sexual violence update - funding and consultation processes

May 18, 2017 at 3:46 PM

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

The latest sexual violence service development update from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) provides information about funding continuation for current service providers, expected tenders for new services and progress on consultations.

Funding continuation after 30 June 2017

According to the April 2017 update, current sexual violence service providers will be contacted about new contracts and changes to funding:

"Existing providers currently contracted by MSD to deliver sexual violence crisis support services will be contacted in coming weeks and offered a new three-year contract. This offer will include a discussion about the available funding calculated through the new funding allocation model. All offers will be contingent on standard due diligence processes.

We are working towards the new contracts being effective from 1 July this year."

Current providers of harmful sexual behaviour services contracted by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) will be contacted about a new two-year contract, subject to standard due diligence processes to confirm funding through June 2019. The new contracts will have new service guidelines currently being developed. MSD will also conduct an evaluation of harmful sexual behaviour services for non-mandated adults during this two-year contract term.

New tenders anticipated

The update also announced there will be an open competitive tender process to fill identified gaps in the provision of sexual violence crisis support services. The tender is expected to be released before the end of July.

The need for a Kaupapa Māori harmful sexual behaviour services for non-mandated adults was identified in the current service development process. To address this gap, MSD will be running an open procurement process for delivering a Kaupapa Māori Harmful Sexual Behaviour Service Pilot for non–mandated adults. The tender is anticipated to be released in July.

Progress on service development consultations

Consultations have finished on the development of sexual violence crisis services and the national sexual violence hotline. The national phone line is expected to be operational by 1 December 2017 with online services such as online chat available in March 2018.

(Update: on 12 May 2017, MSD advised it will be running an open competitive tender to procure the dedicated national helpline. An advanced notice has been placed on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS), anticipating that a tender will be published on GETS in late May 2017.)

Work is still progressing on developing services for male survivors of sexual abuse. There will be three rounds of consultation with the first round of consultation in May 2017. 

For more information

For more information also see the December 2016 Sexual Violence Service Development Question and Answers.

Also see previous NZFVC stories on service development updates:

Update on government Family and Sexual Violence work programme announces new team, April 2017

MSD update on sexual violence services - consultations open, March 2017

MSD update on sexual violence services - frameworks to be drafted, February 2017

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