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Empowered Communities Meeting

October 01, 2015 at 3:45 PM

You are invited to take part in a conversation with Auckland Council

Community Waitakere is hosting this event to give the community sector an opportunity to learn more and respond to Council’s move towards an ‘Empowered Communities Approach’

ON:       Monday October 5th

AT:        Waitakere Community Resource Centre, 8 Ratanui Street, Henderson*

TIME:   4:30-6:30pm (arrive early for tea, coffee and biscuits from 4pm)


Recently nearly 30 community sector leaders in Auckland met to discuss the changes taking place in the Auckland Council’s relationships with our sector, and our communities. We looked at the Empowered Communities Approach (ECA) document.

We discussed the structural changes currently being implemented and the devolution of funding to Local Boards. There were a lot of unknowns! The practical action we agreed on was to seek a public conversation with Auckland Council.  We welcome guest representatives from Auckland Council:

Graham Bodman, General Manager, Community Development, Arts and Culture

Cissy Rock, Senior Project Leader, Strategic Community Initiatives, Community Development and Safety

Empowered Communities Approach (ECA) points for discussion will include:

  • How will communities prepare for engagement in ECA?
  • How will the ECA deal with regional and sub-regional issues?
  • How can we work with Council on implementation issues, and what does Council want of us as a sector?
  • We want to explore a process model of working together
  • We need more information about the dollars involved
  • Can we see the tests/evidence of the practical design/prototypes?
  • What is the status of the ECA document?


Please come along and join the conversation

rsvp to Mandy Spencer:

or phone 838 7903

*Please note there is no parking onsite.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Mandy Spencer

Resource Centre Coordinator

Community Waitakere Charitable Trust

| Waitakere Community Resource Centre, 8 Ratanui St, Henderson | PO Box 21068, Henderson, Waitakere, 0650

| T: 09 838 7903 | M: 021 0346413 |

| W:



Category: Community Notices