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Call for Articles: SSNZ Newsletter for MArch

February 04, 2014 at 12:49 PM

Settlement Services in NZ, Henderson Waitakere invites local based articles to publish in its March eEwsletter.

email Wendy before the deadline 17 February 2013. Ayumi and Wendy do need to prioritize the information you send so please note they couldn’t guarantee that its publication.

Stories from past events during the beginning of this year till January (with photos would be great), starting new initiatives/project/programme preferably in the West Auckland area are being sought.

1st New Out West Meeting Thursday 27 February 12.30pm

Its next and first meeting for 2014, if you would like to hear a presentation on Updates on Setllement Support in New Zealand Review from the MBIE staff, and share light lunch and chat with West Auckland friends and associates Meeting is on Thursday 27 February 12.30pm at Waitemata Room, Auckland Council, Level 2 6 Henderson Valley Road,


RSVP and talk with Wendy to ask her any questions on the Phone 09 837 4273


Category: Community Notices