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Atreyu Taylor-Matene death mobilises community

July 31, 2013 at 1:18 PM

While it is sad that it takes deaths of Patricia McGrath and the infant Atreyu Taylor-Matene both in Northland to mobilise community outrage and turn it  into positive action, their losses are marked in strong people movement and strategies to stem the tide of violence in our society.

Children are the faces of prevention of family violence in billboards across Whangarei city jointly set up by the Whangarei District Council and Northland DHB. This also marks the recent death of Kamo infant Atreyu

Following the attitudinal changes to drink driving achieved in the last decade Dr Nick Chamberlain Northland DBH CEO encourages us in his message that " will take decades to change atitudes which accept or tolerate violence towards others. But if we all work together we can make violence not OK to anyone at any time." 

You can read yet another positive community effort in Whangarei in this news article

Category: News Media