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A Call to Men - Northland Hui 2015

April 15, 2015 at 5:20 PM

Kia ora all

Following on from last year’s A Call to Men hui in Rotorua and with the support of the It’s Not Ok campaign we are able to put together a series of “regional hui” over May/June. The first of these hui is being hosted by It’s Not OK Champion Phil Paikea, 8th-10th May – please see panui attached. Following this, there will be hui in Wellington May 22-23 (panui to come shortly). Then Auckland mid June and Christchurch late June, with details to be confirmed.


Contacts for the remaining hui are below:


As per the name – these hui are a call to men, to be part of the solution, rather than most of the problem of family violence. They are free and open to any man who wants to be part of a movement of men, regardless of whether they are in the work, on their own journey or just keen to be involved. 

Category: Community Notices