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Joint Venture Business Unit Survey

April 09, 2021 at 3:45 PM

From the Joint Venture Business Unit

We are reaching out to invite you to give your feedback on the Specialist Family Violence Organisation Standards (SOS) and the Specialist Family Violence Entry to Expert Workforce Capability Framework (E2E).

The Specialist Family Violence Organisation Standards (SOS) are focused on lifting the capability of specialist family violence practitioners. The standards are intended to promote ‘ongoing development of, and reflection on, safe, holistic and effective specialist organisational practice’ (SOS).

The Entry to Expert Framework (E2E) defines family violence workforce capabilities at different practice levels: from foundational to expert.  The capabilities will inform practice and development of family violence practitioners in order to provide a well-informed specialist workforce and support the start of a FV practitioner career pathway.

We are asking you to read these two prototype tools and provide feedback in this survey. The survey is anonymous unless you would like to add your name.

Additionally, if you would like us to organise a face-to-face/online meeting with you, or hui with your organisation, please contact us and we will work with you to organise this.

Click here for more information and to do the survey

Category: Submissions