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ERO report on sexuality education finds ongoing inadequacies and inconsistency

October 05, 2018 at 2:16 PM

From the NZFVC

The Education Review Office (ERO) has published a report on their review of sexuality education in schools.

The review identifies examples of good practice in sexuality education but a continued need for improvement and action in schools.

The report, Promoting wellbeing through sexuality education (September 2018), explores the question "How well does the school use sexuality education to support and promote wellbeing for their students?" ERO was also particularly interested in the extent to which schools were providing an inclusive environment for sex-, gender- and sexuality-diverse students to support their wellbeing.

The review examined practices at 116 schools as part of ERO's regular external evaluation. ERO also visited ten schools that had been identified by external stakeholders as having good practice in sexuality education, and/or doing a good job of including sex-, gender- and sexuality-diverse students.

The review found ongoing concerns with school sexuality education, stating "overall ... curriculum coverage is inconsistent. Some schools are not meeting minimum standards of compliance with current requirements. Most schools are meeting minimum standards, but many have significant gaps in curriculum coverage."

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Category: Reports