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ACC Research: Live Stronger for Longer

June 08, 2018 at 11:30 AM

Joseph Jang (Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention Co-ordinator at Age Concern) has asked us to share the following with the network. ACC are doing some research to see if visitors can find what they're looking for on their website – read below for more information.

Kia ora,

ACC has a website that gives information to older people. “Live Stronger For Longer” is about preventing falls, helping you stay on your feet and living the life you want to live.

ACC are doing research to see if visitors can find what they're looking for on this website, and we need your help.

Please complete a few online tasks to show us where you’ll look for information. The activity shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes to do.

Your response will help ACC to better organise content on the website and improve the experience for visitors. Please click the link below, this will take you to the tasks.

Complete the tasks

Thank You